Monday, November 24, 2008

Surgery Update

Well we thought Grayson was having surgery on Dec 15th. He has to have is tonsils and adenoids out, because he has large tonsils, so large that he has sleep apnea. He also has a blood disorder call VonWillebrands type 2 B. Which is not very common. Because of the bleeding disorder his Blood specialist at the children's hospital here said he will have to stay in the hospital for 2-3 days after the surgery. After that we will go to stay at the Ronald McDonald house for the next 7 days. Total away from home 10 days. So besides the fact that we would of been gone from the girls too for 10 days, we would also be there during Christmas. SO we have changed the date and will not have the surgery until we return from Florida at the end of January. Here is a pic I took of us yesterday. We are very nervous, but confident with the Dr's here and their cautiousness. 

Yeah i know i look crazy, but he was moving i had to hurry

Sunday, November 16, 2008

movie stars

SO the girls were supposed to be cleaning up the play room, but instead they were too fancy for cleaning and became movie stars. We took a few pictures then made them clean up anyway.
Saturday morning mom got to sleep in and daddy hung out with the kids. That afternoon daddy was hanging out with Grayson and the girls and i had movie night. We watched the American girl movie Kit Kitridge, we later had story time. I had to take a picture of them reading to each other and getting ready for bed. Isn't this a sweet picture.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Great Wolfe Lodge

In front to the wolves (Eden was terrified)

We had soo much fun friday night at the great wolfe lodge. We took the kids for a fun afternoon and evening. I walked for March of Dimes and in return we received free passes to go to the park. It was amazing. The kids were all over the place. We even got Olivia and Eden to ride a big water slide. You will see it in the pictures, its blue. The lst picture is of garrett and I, and we are almost ready to leave (we look beat), if you couldn't tell.

Olivia in Front of the big blue slide we rode together.

two parents who are ready to go home, after a full day at the indoor water park!

Daddy with Eden and Grayson playing in the kiddie pool. Garrett look likes he needed a hug, and gave one to himself :)