Saturday, December 19, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


So here are some pics and i hope a video too.

The girls are cheering for the first time. They like it, but it takes a lot of commitment from the whole family. Tho nights a week practice and sat early am games.

Pics from first day

I wrote about the first day of school for the kids, but the pics wouldn't up load, so here they are.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

First day of 1st and 2nd grade

Granny came to visit the weekend before school started. The girls were very excited to spend this time with her and for her to help take them to their first day of school this year. They took a little while to get up, well just Olivia and Grayson. Eden has an internal alarm clock that wakes her at 630 am every morning. Whew ... better her than me. Here are some before school pics from Tuesday am. It was a rainy day all day, so we didn't get any pics going into their rooms. Olivia has to walk outside to her trailer and its a pretty good walk and we got really wet. I went after dropping them off to take Grayson to meet his preschool teachers. Granny go to meet them too and see his classroom. He will be there three days a week. So exciting!and sad :( all my babies are growing up.

Monday, August 31, 2009


Lisa is going a giveaway. A 50 dollar gift certificate.

Great stuff go check it out!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Crazy summer...

We have had a great summer, lots of fun, some pain (for me) and new adventures.

I am going to post about the summer soon. But right now, I am just trying to heal from my gall bladder surgery this Monday.

Loving my new job!

Hey there, I have joined Thirty-One Gifts as a consultant. We have great items, bags, purses, etc. You can have things personalized with pretty much whatever you want. Check out my website.

Monday, August 3, 2009

New kIds Tshirts


They are having a nother give away. Kids T shirts are ready, just in time for school to start! Check them out.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

The White and Laubschers Reunion

Age and Birth order:
Elias 7, Olivia 7, Jonah 5 (but turned 6 a few days later), Eden 5, Anna 3, Grayson, 3, Elizabeth 1

The first and second ones are born days apart, Jonah is 3 mths older, and Elizabeth is in a catergory all her own. Sorry no more Lobsters planned here.

We were able to get together while we were in Florida. Tammy, Dan and the kids came over from Sanford to hang out, eat dinner, and go for a late night swim in the pool.

While we were hanging out I decided to join Tammy in her new journey of working for Thirty One Gifts. Check out my website and see how amazing the products are.

I need to update more from the past 3 weeks, but it will take some time.

Friday, June 19, 2009

End of year parties

Eden blowing bubbles...grayson was popping them...

Sam, Dylan, Eden, and Kelsey playing with the blocks...

The sand table...soo much fun!

Both of the girls grades were going to have picnics outside and games for their end of the year bash. Olivias was a few days before Edens and it was a nice hot day. Edens was during the rain, so she had hers inside. They rotated out of classes to play games, and have fun. Here are pics of both the girls and their friends.

Olivia and her 1st grade teacher. Mrs Massaro. We have really enjoyed having her this year!

Olivia, Camden, Jaiden, Cara enjoying their Popsicles....

Mommy and grayson getting ready to go home.

Olivia in the sack race... she was quick

Olivia and gray...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

3 yr old happiness

It doesn't take much to make a 3 yr old boy happy at times. The other day his happiness was wrapped up in a blue ring pop. His very first ring pop. You can tell by his mouth, tongue, etc that he really enjoyed it! And the next time you are trying to make your 3 yr old happy, in the midst of continuous chaos, think ummm ring pop sounds good :)

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Don't forget

Check out these tees at Wild Olive Tees

They are having a giveaway, but its over in a few fays. SO go fast!

Wild Olive Tees

Friday, June 5, 2009

Oli n Edens field day

The girls had field day at their school yesterday. Garr worked the soccer kick, and Grayson and I walked around, played games, and took pictures. We had a lot of fun. It had rained the day before so the ground was a little wet, but it did not rain. It was nice and cool, not hot. Here are a few pictures from yesterday.

Grayson at the soccer kick...

Jaiden and Olivia (partners for field day and good friends) doing the sack races....

Eden playing the dinosaur egg toss.....

Eden and Kelsey (partners for the day and friends)....

Olivia and her classmates. Camden, Kaylee, Olivia, and Jaiden....

Daddy and Grayson at the soccer kick game....

Olivia and Jaiden at the Crakcer eat a cracker and then try to whistle.

Eden jumping with the ball between her legs, she never dropped it...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Cool T-shirts

Wild Olive Tees

I just found this site. These shirts are amazing. They are just like stuff i have always wanted and finally some one did it. Please go and check them out. I tried to put a button on my sidebar for them, but couldn't get it. Sorry.

Monday, May 25, 2009

kids rockn video

my rock stars

The girls are always singing something. They walk around with their little ipods and sing all the time. They love music. Garrett always has them listening to all different types of music. This morning they were playing with their guitars that already have some pop songs  on it. SO they performed a song for me. I videoed it...i don't like the song, but they are cute. Even Grayson sang a few words. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Oli field trip

Yesterday I went with Olivia's class to the super market. They have been studying economics at school, saving money, earning money, goods and services, etc. They all worked at home and earned money and they brought it in to class and they took it together to get food for their lunch and fruit for snack later. It was fun. They had a tour, scavenger hunt and found and bought food. After the store we headed to the park for lunch and to play before returning to school. She's in the video on the top right in the purple shirt.

Strawberry Farm

I was able to go with Edens class to the strawberry farm last week. It was a bit cold out and rainy, but it was soo much fun. It is my favorite field trip by far. The kids learn all about the farm, how things are planted, what grows, and then get to pick their own strawberries and taste fresh ice cream. Here are two picks from the day. I love spending time with my girl! 

Monday, May 11, 2009

more mom's day

Well I just wanted to say how lucky I am too have three amazing kids. Olivia is now 7 and although we bump head a lot on things, she is truly amazing. She is sooo intelligent, sometimes i wonder at what time will she truly outsmart me in every way. She realized this past week, through a lot of tears, hugs, and parents conversation that her behavior is inappropriate and her sassy attitude should be re-evaluated and when she is not able to control the things she says, that she needs to talk to God. That he is always there to help her and heal her.  I asked her to pray for strength to help think and say things that are appropriate in Gods eyes to everyone. How was it sooo easy to explain to her, yet at times soo hard to realize myself. I often put my issues and problems on the back burner, not letting go and letting God.

Now for the middle one. She seriously says the most amazing things. She has got to be a writer when she grows up, because her storytelling skills are superb, even at 5. Mostly we would say, umm thats a lie.....yet i do believe that in her little head, she truly feels that it is not, but the most amazing thing anyone has ever said or done.  She does get in trouble a lot, because she is a constant instigator with the little man. But when those sweet baby blues look your way, your heart will turn into mush. So we got an invite to a party for a little friend of ours. The party is on sat. I opened the invite from the mail..Eden was with me in the car. I said, hey we got invited to so and so's party. She says.... what time is the party? well for a 5 yr old, you would of thought that she had major plans and needed to check her calendar. I said why, she said just tell me  the time. I said its from 2-4. She said oh good, I didnt want to miss my morning shows! I mean can you believe that. She is a trip. We dont have cable so sat am is their big disney show time. 

Well the little man is last. Boy does he wear me out. He takes all that i have, and even more sometimes. But then he also says and does the sweetest things. He is talking soo much, but i love when he says lips...he gives me a kiss on the lips...his sweet smile, the little words only i understand. The way his hair waves around his face. He is so wonderful, I am soo thankful for him!

They are all blessings from God. I would not be whom I am, without them. I look forward to our future together and I am ready to see the amazing things they have ahead of them. I hope you experience them too!

Mother's Day 2009

It began on Saturday evening when my present arrived. They got me a digital frame for mother's day....i love it! It was something I really wanted. Mother's day was really nice this year. We had a lot of fun. We started the day out with breakfast and two services at church. After church we ate our packed lunches and changed for a day at Busch Gardens. I figured it would be entertaining for the kids, we already have passes, so no money spent there, and i wanted a funnel cake with Strawberries on it. 

So we rode a few rides that we hadn't before or havent done in a while. It was a very busy day, but lots of fun!  Here are a few pics of the day, the one of me with the kids, is realy bad of me but the kids always look cute!