Friday, February 27, 2009

School Parade

Today the Kindergarten and First Graders had a parade with their favorite books. The K classes dressed up like a character from the book, the 1st graders made hats in art class. 

Olivia took Jan Bretts book, " The Snow Bears" 

 Eden dressed up like the girl from "Pinkalicious"..... they all looked so great!

We would have pictures, but Garrett decided he needed to erase the photo card instead of saving the pictures!!!!!!!

Ski Trip!

Our Christmas present from my Larry was to go skiing with him, our family, and Melanie's family. We all but Eden got to go, because of her broken arm,  this past Monday - Wednesday. We had a lot of fun. The weather was perfect and the kids did so well. It was there first time skiing. 

We also go to go snow tubing and the little ones joined us for this. It was sooo much fun. Olivia did say skiing was her favorite part though.

 We stayed at the resort in a town home style home. We had both the upper and lower level homes. They both had full kitchens and huge bath tubs. 

Friday, February 20, 2009

Eden's new hair cut

Eden has only had three haircuts her whole 5 1/2 yrs. She is not much on haircuts, and has always had beautiful hair. Well lately it has been really hard to brush it and she wanted it to get cut. So we went to my hairdresser and here is her new do :) She loves it, it is a big change...but adorable. 

Monday, February 16, 2009

Good reports

So today Grayson went back to the Dr and his scabs were gone and he was clear of all meds and no more shots!!!!!!!! Yeah. Poor baby has had 3 IV's, mid line (bigger IV), at least 2-3 needle procks for either medication or labs everyday since his surgery. It was a rough two weeks and more, but we are so thankful that God has kept Grayson safe and Garrett and I sane through this whole ordeal. Eden also went to day for a checkup and her arm is still doing well. It hasn't changed positions and she has to keep her arm stabilizer on for three more weeks. She is allowed to do to school when she is up to it, and tomorrow she is going half a day to her school. I will take her in the am and Garrett will pick her up at lunch time.  Olivia is a bit needy these days, and i really need to spend time with her. I hope that Wed we will be able to. She is in need of attention and we havent been able to really give enough to her. Its sad, and i hate it. But today is gone, but tomorrow is a new day. :)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Olivia finally looses it....

Her front tooth!! We have been wanting this one gone for a while. So she was soooo excited, when on the bus ride home to my friends house today it came out. Lots of blood though (we will be checking on that soon), and big smiles from Olivia.

My friend started to freak out, thinking something was wrong and that that is not what I needed!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

When it rains....


Today started out as a decent day. Well after Garrett had been up all night getting sick, from food he ate for dinner. We went back to the hospital for Grayson normal blood draw and blood level check, then for his medicine. Well we were there from 8:30 am - 12:30, the lab was backed up. It was nice out so we grabbed something quick and went for a walk around the water. Here are some shots with mommy and daddy.

After we walked around there we headed for the mall. It was nap time and we figured we could catch a movie while he slept in the movies. SO we went to the mall, movie started in a hour, we walked around. We get a call from Garrs mom and Eden fell at the park and broker her arm.
We freak out, drive an hr home and to the hospital, get my sis to meet us there too. And she has a displaced fracture in her left arm right under her armpit, too high to set in a cast. She is in a sling and cries each time you even look at her arm. The doctor said she will heal nicely though!
Two down, and Olivia is not going with them! No more I can't take it!!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Gray had a vistitor

The Buddy Brigade came but the room today and visited with us. The dogs name is Scooter. he is a sweet mixed breed and very friendly. Grayson had already had dinner and was watching a video, when they stopped by. He visited and pet Scooter for a few minutes until he had to go. Here are two pictures. 

He is acting better today, but he isn't drinking very much. He only drank a few sips for most of the day. They finally let him drink out of a straw only if we held the straw for him. After that he drank a little more. 

The have a teaching program here too. So a young lady came and read him a story today.  And tomorrow someone from the teaching program, she works with preschoolers and their development, will come and give him a test to check his development. I just wanted him to get a clear okay that he is not delayed in his speech too much because of his tonsils, adenoids, etc. They offer this as a free program too. 

He was also able to go to the playroom they have here three different times today. He says "wanna go for walk" and he knows which way to go, and can push the hallway button to open the doors, and then know how to get back to our room. I have been out of this room more than him, and I still get turned around. Oh well. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

After surgery picture

Surgery Complete

Today Grayson finally had his surgery. We are sooo thankful that it went very well. His blood was controlled through medication. We are at the hospital and will be here for 3 days and then to the Ronald McDonald house for 7 days. 

Gray is doing better, but his throat is very sore. He drank apple juice right when he woke up, but did not keep it down, The numbness is wearing off, so it is hurting more and more. The nurse just came in and gave him some pain medicine. 

The worst part is that he has to monitored every 12 hrs for his blood levels, and that will tell us if and how much more Humate (blood meds) he needs. But the problem is, the 12 hr mark is at 11 pm, and he has to give blood, and then get the meds at 12 midnight. And then in the morning he has to have his blood levels checked again around 6 am. Not sure about all of this medical stuff, but 12-6 am is simple math (not 6hrs). anyway, we will keep talking the the nurse. 

Here are a few pics from (Friday - when he was supposed to have it) today's surgery. Also he got a new monster truck today from one of the pediatric specialists from the hematology floor. He was very excited!

Monday, February 2, 2009

sugery reschduled

So Friday we spent all day, traumatizing my poor baby and then we didn't even have the surgery. He had a rash and we couldn't find out why. It is called Pitechae (maybe i spelled it wrong) it is when your blood cells raise to the surface. he was given meds and they said it could of been a reaction or just an infection and his platelets trying to fight that off. So back tomorrow to try again. Please pray that all will go smoothly. Thanks