Thursday, January 29, 2009

Friday's Surgery

So tomorrow Garr, Gray and I will head to the children's hospital near here for his surgery. We have to be there at 7:45 am and his surgery is at 12:30. I am nervous, and i guess ready. My body and nerves know that something is going on and my emotions are not sure how to handle it. My house is a mess, and I can't seem to tackle it. I can't focus with a mess, but now I can't seem to clean it up. So I am living is a crazy circle. 

Anyway, please pray that all his blood levels will be good, that the machine will be working properly (the older machine broke last night), it monitors how well his blood medicine is working with his body during the surgery.  Pray for the doctors that they will have steady hands and that it all will run smoothly. 

We will be in the hospital until next Monday and then we will stay at the Ronald McDonald house until the following Monday. That also mean that we will be away from the girls, with few visits for 10 days. Granny will be here and keeping them on schedule and probably spoiling them. Which they love! 

Thanks for all your thoughts, concerns, and prayers. I will try to keep this updated as best I can.


Dan and Tammy said...

we will be praying for you guys as you go through this. we love you!

Laura Saufley Photography said...

I will keep you in my prayers! I hope you will be able to update us soon on how things went. God bless!