Today started out as a decent day. Well after Garrett had been up all night getting sick, from food he ate for dinner. We went back to the hospital for Grayson normal blood draw and blood level check, then for his medicine. Well we were there from 8:30 am - 12:30, the lab was backed up. It was nice out so we grabbed something quick and went for a walk around the water. Here are some shots with mommy and daddy.
After we walked around there we headed for the mall. It was nap time and we figured we could catch a movie while he slept in the movies. SO we went to the mall, movie started in a hour, we walked around. We get a call from Garrs mom and Eden fell at the park and broker her arm.
We freak out, drive an hr home and to the hospital, get my sis to meet us there too. And she has a displaced fracture in her left arm right under her armpit, too high to set in a cast. She is in a sling and cries each time you even look at her arm. The doctor said she will heal nicely though!
Two down, and Olivia is not going with them! No more I can't take it!!!!
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