So today we all woke up and took the girls to school for their very first day. We came home and had to drag the little man inside because he wanted to stay outside and play. We came in did a few things and then changed our clothes and went outside. Daddy left and went to work and Gray and i went for a walk. A nature hike (walk). Our neighborhood backs up to retreat center and we are allowed to visit there whenever we want. We often walk to their playground for a change and just to have somewhere to go, without driving. Their playground is small but the kids love it. So Gray and i saw a lot of leaves on the trees and picked on large one and one small one to bring home.
As we walked we discussed ALL of the mail boxes down the rode, their color, etc. We walked in the rocks (kicking our shoes and making dust), and listened to the birds and other things we could here.
When we got home we discussed the leaves. Color, sizes, bigger - smaller, pointy - rounded, etc. We also worked shading with our crayons and paper. Mommy did most of the work, but he enjoyed watching and the finished project. We took pictures of the leaves to show you.

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