Today the girls put on their new sundresses from granny and got ready for another day at school. They both looked so cute i took pics for granny to see!

Grayson and i walked them in to school and then headed to the grocery store. I told him on the way there, that we were going. I told him we needed to get Milk, he said "ice cream". then smiled realllll big!

So yes we did get ice cream, and he earned it after his lunch and preschool time. I have been trying to something with him every morning, it doesn't matter how small. If not he will want to watch dora and boos cues all day. (well and nap for 2- 3 hrs too). So today we talked about the letter B. I cut it out of scrap cardboard. he painted it Blue, we talked about the letter N, its sound, words that start with B. Blue, ball, blues clues, baby, etc. After painting i made his lunch and he had a Banana too. He did eat some ice cream after all of this and we read a book about babies before bedtime (nap). Here are some picture of our morning. Also there is a picture of my lunch (wrap w/ chicken, Cheddar cheese, carrots, cream cheese and spinach souffle) his was cheese quesadilla, banana, and raisins with apple juice to drink. He wanted to taste mine, but then decided very quickly he did not like it!

1 comment:
You are such a good mommy! Right now I feel I'm lucky to make it through a day let alone be so productive!
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