Eden had a lot of fun for her fifth birthday! She took cupcakes to share at school thursday, her granny came from florida, and we had her classmates, and cousins over for a dress up party.
The princess were soo much fun. They dressed up, took pictures in front of the castle, ate lunch fit for a queen, made princess crafts, heard a story "Princess and the Pea" and played a game with that. We also watched a little of Cinderella 3. Here are some pictures from the day.

She also had our family over later on in the afternoon to have cake and ice cream with them :) She had a very fun day! :)
Eden looks beautiful and I am so happy to see the dress fits her perfectly!! Maybe I do need a girl. Looks like you guys had a blast! Where was your princess dress?
you know me... i am always the princess. I didn't want to take anything away from her. :)
What a beautiful birthday princess!!!!! Everything looked perfect. I loved the glass vases with the cookies sticking out!!
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